Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The new mouse

Well not yet anyway, same old for the mo.... Have started a 12 week plan (written by myself) to kick start some fitness and weight loss. Started yesterday after a hard weekend (brick and SMC) with spin, running and gym work.

Will see how I feel after week one but 2 days in and I feel good. Pity I am used to getting up at 5 now so my body snaps out of sleep, wide awake at about 4:50am. By 6pm in the evenings I am really missing that last 10 mins sleep! But c'est la vie I suppose, it is all for a good cause.

Possibly doing the Bathurst 10km this weekend, as well as taking on cheer squad duties with the mini mouses and NTR junior for their dad - go baby!!

Busy week at work, drinks tonight but not too many, only cos I don't want to have to run further than I would like to work them off tomorrow!! Plus I am just generally sick of being tired and hungover after nights out. Think I am getting old and grumpy too, there are too many silly young things in pubs these days, guys and girls. They need oldies pubs and young-uns pubs, ours will have quieter music as loud music annoys me too these days. My god I sound like my mother.....


Bennyr said...

Argh, I don't know how they listen to that rubbish, and the clothes! It was different in my day!

Looking forward to Sunday. Hopefully none of us will need hip replacements before then given that we are so old.


Mouse_and_NTR said...

we should all wear a nice cardigan up to bathurst - it gets cold up there too.

TA and the Gnome said...

Hey, you might be starting to sound like her, but I'll bet she doesn't run like you... :-)
