Saturday, October 13, 2007

feeling good...chocolate and holidays does that...

It’s Saturday night, and I am home alone, and feeling quite good. No single reason...I spent this morning at BRICK - once again it lived up to its name. I find I have no idea of the effort on the bike - I blow my "asthma seal" every week - with running I have more control and can build up to a pace, I need to learn that on a bike ( that is not saying my pace is fast, its just hard for me! ) . I spent the rest of the day shopping for little G's birthday - rach and I have got her a cool present...cant say what it is...even 6 year olds surf the web!! After that, started painting the mid-renovation pergola, and then made a mountain of seafood marinara with tomato sauce and pasta.

I also spoke to rach about three times today - which is great - I love phone cards!! Some days we talk more then if we are both in Sydney - I guess you don’t take someone’s presence for granted when you know they wont be home for a while...anyway, it was great. Less then 3 weeks till London!! - All the kids asked me to bring them back a souvenir from London - "the London look"!! I think it’s like a Magnum...

Back to running...not a lot done. I spent a few days with the kids and Basil at Anna Bay - just perfect. So relaxing - not that i went anywhere near the water - it is still too cold! I am planning a run tomorrow morning for the World Wide Half Marathon event before breakfast and painting. Just really going for a run with the ipod, junk miles perhaps, but I will enjoy it knowing there is not set pace to run at - I have chosen a run like that over the Striders half tomorrow - somehow I don’t think I am up the pace required at these events at the moment. So instead, somewhere down the M7 I will go....I have some French lessons on the ipod I might listen to, and a podcast from the Zen Runner show, who is in London for this episode, so I hope to pick up some running routes from it too...

Signing off from a low mileage week, but finishing it on a happy high note!

1 comment:

Jen said...

So is it only 2 weeks to go now? How exciting for you both! Geez, I'm excited for you both !!