Saturday, October 6, 2007

it seems funny now...

a few days is all it took for a bad run to become a funny one!

Despite feeling a little under the weather ( hayfever, cold, tired ) i thought it would be a great idea to not only run home from work ( about 15km ) but do a few laps of parra park before i did that, just for good measure. And my route home would be on the new transit lanes/paths along Old Windsor Rd to the M7 - something i have been thinking of using for long runs in the future. Hey, I have done a marathon, surely i can do this! well.....

The parra park 8km part was fine. The next 2km was fine, but then, as i discovered the cycle path from westmead which meets the M7, it all became a chore. I walked. I stopped. I ran. I cussed. Repeat. It really got messy when i started dry reaching on the last 8km or so. Could it get any worse? Well...about 500metres from home, 8:30pm ( 1 hour over due! ) i was rounding a corner on the M7 cycleway, and had to dodge a Motorbike taking shortcuts on the pedestrian path! That was the final straw! I hated running that night!

Dragged myself home, exhausted. Collapsed on the lounge, only dragging myself to the shower in time to vomit lunch and Gatorade and watch it circle the drain hole! ( sorry for the imagery this might invoke! )

Rach was severely non-impressed by my stupidity, when i was not 100% fit or healthy! It was a silly move!

But just like my nan used to say, its only 2 days between a bad and good haircut, its only a few days between a bad and good run - i can see it was stupid, but now i know a new route home from work , i know not to bother with the extra laps at parra park first, and aso, even though i am pulling out of FFFT marathon, it is much better the bombing it totally, and being a wreck for the holiday in 28 days!!! ( but whos counting hey!!)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sorry to hear that you were in such bad shape NTR. But you've made the right decision - their will always be another race but there is only one european holiday with your fiance* ;-) Rest up, take care of yourself - not too many sleeps to go now !!!

* Of course I hope you have many more with your WIFE :-)