Tuesday, December 18, 2007

quick running update... (ntr)

Its certainly been hot and humid lately, and 3-4months of little activity, but plenty of carbo loading are evident. Its great though to find it tough, knowing that it will come together if i just remain a little consistent in training.

A summary of what been happening from my running log...

4/12/2007 8.8km 0:55:00 casual run 30degrees A very hot humid day to choose to start running again after European holidays - plus it was my birthday. Very hot, along the parklands track to nurragingy and back.

7/12/2007 5km 0:30:00 parra park 34degrees Hot return - met a colleague by chance, and stopped for a a chat.

9/12/2007 12km 2:00:00 quarry road 25degrees 1 lap running/walking of quarry road with Rach - great to exercise together again! Yeah!!

11/12/2007 3km 0:30:00 rooty hill repeats 30degrees 6 hill repeats of rooty hill - stupidly tough!

13/12/2007 10km 1:00:00 tempo training run 25degrees 5 sets of 2km at 5min pace, with 2km running recoveries.

17/12/2007 22km 2:30:00 training long run 34degrees Hot humid run, Nurragingy and back, then on M7 to Obriens glass seven hills. Had to develop plan of 2km run, 30 sec recovery to cope with lack of fitness and the heat.

I am looking forward to some more long runs - i need to get a new mp3 player. I love listening to music and podcasts on the long solo runs. Tip to remember: although it looks nice and shiny now, ipod shuffles do not recover from an accidental round in the washing machine....

Now, how to run whilst enjoying the festive season and all the bevies' it is sure to offer.....


blues buffett said...

Well done Ian, at least you're back into it, even in the humidity.
Hope the Christmas/NY celebrations don't lead you astray. I'm working through, so if you want to get in an M7 lunchtime run...

Jen said...

So have you entered yet? ;-P