Saturday, February 24, 2007

Shopping, working, running in Wellington

Well, it is Saturday night and I am heading off to bed soon so I can run around the water in Wellington tomorrow morning. I have been for two runs so far this week, I found a great hill to do hill reps on and NTR found me a track along the water which is lovely and very beautiful. Hoping to do around 1.5 hours tomorrow, depends how far I get before I get too hungry I think :)

Wellington has been lovely, it is always hard working away from home but the freedom is great and running has been a wonderful way to see the city! The run tomorrow is all around the point and some bays and the scenery is spectacular. There are huge, gorgeous houses on the hills and heaps of little cafes and restaurants beside the water. I am really looking forward to getting out there tomorrow.

I have my first sprint distance triathlon next Saturday evening, hopefully Ellie80, Wildthing and Tiger Angel will be there also. NTR has a photography course that day so he will probably miss my event which is sad but I am trying to lock in my parents for some moral support on the day. They have not watched me run or compete in sport for over 10 years so it should be a great evening.

Hoping to finish up work here on Tuesday and head home Wedenesday instead of Friday as originally planned. I miss home, Basil (our dog), NTR, the kids and my family. Travelling for work is great for a day or two but it gets pretty lonely. I am trying to use the time to relax, exercise and get myself organised for the next few months at work, but it's hard not to get down when you need a hug and can't get one!

Plan for this week is as follows:

Sunday - long run and swim
Monday - hills
Tuesday - short jog and swim
Wednesday - home!!!!
Thursday - AM swim
Friday - spin
Saturday - triathlon
Sunday - Macaroni and cheese and movies :)

This semester I have uni on Thursdays so can't make it back to run club but I will have to head down next Monday, I found it so helpful when I was going regularly. Saturday will also be my last triathlon for the season. I think I am going to join the Hills triathlon club so I can train during winter and get ready for the next season of sprint tris in September. It seems like a long time away but I know September will be here before I know it and I want to be as prepared as I can be for next season.

Well it is time for bed, will update tomorrow on how the run went and what gifts I have found to bring home - I do love to shop!!

And babe, it is only bad if you miss the runs more than the hugs :) I will be back soon and you will be back on track with your preparations as I resume my housekeeping and babysitting duties!

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