Sunday, August 26, 2007

tale of two runs...ntr

Run 1 - Friday 11:45. Arrived late. Met Mango soon after, and ran 1.5 laps of Parra Park, and felt blerk. I just had to stop and walk. I had zero energy, and despite getting encouragement from mango, i thought it was best if he just kept going and let me wallow in my own walking-vegetated state! Cause: Poor diet, lack of sleep, no water that day or the day before ( i think they are the causes....)

Run 2 - Sunday 7am - With BennyR and his mate Marlz, did 21~km around Homebush, Silverwater, Rhodes etc. About a third was on tracks, it was muddy, technical and fun! Felt really good ( not as good as Marlz the "newbie" who looked like he could have left benny and I for dust whenever he chose - and he had never run this far before! ). Cause: Purposely ate 3 meals the day before, had a porridge before the run, drank lots of water the day before and had a glass before running, and good sleep!!

Moral of the tale - I will adopt the ancient, mysterious rule of 3.
3 Meals at day
3 snacks a day ( including atleast one fruit )
3 coffees a day (no more then that! )
3 tall glasses of water a day ( = 6 cups...)
3 runs a week ( even if they are small and squeezed in lunch break, or a few hills reps just before i pick the kids up from school care )
3 (+5) hours of sleep a day ( could not think how to work 3 into my sleep pattern!! )
3 messages or phone calls with Rach a day - to keep me sane!!!
3 months away from ones fiance will be all that i can cope with!!

I am now planning on doing Sydney Half Marathon, followed by Fitroy Falls Marathon in September. Both have no real hard core target - just happy to be out and about running in events!

Off to cook dinner now...vegetarian korma and rice! yum...:-)

1 comment:

TA and the Gnome said...

Contrasting runs like that really focus the mind on the difference between good and bad, don't they? At least you were able to find reasons for the difference. Sometimes I just have to say it was a bad day and leave it at that! :-)

I like the goals - they make a lot of sense. Have fun having fun! :-)
